Thursday, May 23, 2013

Helpful Tips and Apiarys

Managed to get a blog out today, My husband and myself have a backup working computer thus how I am able to continue posting.  Hubs took the hard drive from the other computer, attached it to this computer so I am still able to access my files. He couldn't find the old boot files that tell the computer to go to windows 7 from start up soooo. we have to reformat....going through the process of saving files and that takes time. ANYWHO, onwards for now!

Today's household tips, Natural ways to get rid of fleas.
YES I know, why do this when you can pay someone stacks of bills to come fumigate the house.
For one the fumigation/flea spray is harmful to pets and animals but it kills the little bastards. And permeates into EVERYTHING with the ferocity of a thousand suns. IE it hurts people and pets, and leaves an icky residue on just about everything.

BUT FIRST a quick lesson in the difference between Aviary and Apiary. One is for birds, one is for bees and both have wings. We need more brave awesome people to do this as bee's are fast becoming a rarity! And I say brave because I am afraid of bees and smart enough to stay my distance - mostly for never having been stung and not knowing if I am allergic or not.
Karolus Janos My awesome buddy from Texas along with his wife and son HAPPY FAMILY on Facebook! have an Apiary!

Kiraly Apiaries its bees, for honey! YAY! From what little I understand its a tough but rewarding process and YES, a bee suit is required. Here is a video of him installing the hives!
Bee Hive Installation  (the bees are right next to the garden, neato!)  From what I know they saved up to be able to do this and once running are doing well. (Yes, please feel free to correct any miss-information here thank you!)

(Thank you to Wiki How: Getting rid of fleas for the advice!)
These tips will help save money and not leave the chemical nastiness  Plus they are natural for those that prefer this method!

1. To start, CLEAN YOUR HOUSE. Specifically the pet bedding, wash it. Pet bedding includes actual pet beds or blankets or what have you that your pet(s) sleep on or hang out on.
If it doesn't/won't/cannot fit in the washer or dryer, get a wash bucket or bin or what have you and make a go of it that way. We have a metal wash bin in which we was our cleaning rags in bleach before actually washing them to kill the gunk and germs. So it makes a great wash bin for pet bedding. Hang drying on a non rainy/cold day works well too just make sure to hang it high and not on a fence.

2. Vacuum EVERYWHERE! ESPECIALLY in areas that don't get much light as fleas like humid and cool spots. ANYWHERE you find flea debris, upholstered furniture too if possible.
DO NOTE before vacuuming carpets sprinkle salt, borax or baking soda throughout. Work it into the base of the carpet with a broom. Let it sit for a few hours. All of these powders will dry out the flea eggs that are tucked deep in the carpets.

DO NOT let your pets walk on the treated areas while waiting as they can get it on their paws and try to lick it off, don't want a sick pet. Also when the vacuum bag is full (IF YOU still have those type of vacuums) take the bag, seal it in a plastic bag and dump it in an outside bag otherwise they can crawl out and come back in. If you have a vacuum that you can just empty, empty it outside in a plastic bag and dump outside.

3. If you have outside pets, clean any outside areas where your pet hangs out. Trim/weed/clean the yard and expose any cool areas to sunlight and keep your pets out of areas you cannot expose.

4. CLEAN YOUR PET. Bath time! Use any gentle shampoo and start with the head and neck and work your way down. This prevents the fleas jumping to the head while bathing. Be thorough in this please.
OR if you want, make an herbal flea dip! Take two cups of fresh rosemary leaves and add them to two pints of water.  Boil for 30 minutes, strain, discard the leaves and mix it with a gallon of warm water. Pour this over your pet until he or she is saturated and let him or her air dry. Make one gallon per pet.

5. Natural flea collar. Take your pet's collar/neckerchief/etc if its of fabric and put a few drops of Eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil/citronella/lavender/geranium. DO NOT USE THIS ON CATS as they have a natural ability to metabolize any oil and using oils on them can overload their system. With tea tree oil find products with 1% or less as its a very strong oil.

6 and finally, make a citrus spray for your furniture. Thinly slice a lemon, add it to a pint of water and boil. Let it sit overnight. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray it on your furniture or areas where you suspect fleas are hiding. Rub it on your pets fur as most pets don't like being sprayed/spritzed. DON'T soak it in but dampen the fur. Do this once a month to combat fleas.

There are more tips in there but these are the basics for general combat.

I am sorry for lack of pictures, as I am in the process of moving files I am attempting to not save new ones for now. Thank you for reading and I will do my best to return to a normal schedule by this coming monday!

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