SO, as I had mentioned in previous post(s) that I am going to Bayoucon 2016!
The first announcement is over and done with.
The second is that I have revamped my NEW ETSY SITE!
The store USED to be under lexiafira, and if you use the old site link it will take you there.
It is now The Cranky Crafters!
I have new props, soaps and other items.
FIRST the New Pokèball Props!
The main regular pokèball prop with wind up mew as an example. For each soap, and prop there WILL be mini-pokèmon figures inside!
Here we have the Great Ball, Master Ball and Love Ball Hollow props! Each prop comes with a clip and can be opened. THEY ARE cosplay props/accessories and NOT MEANT to be thrown. For the record they are larger than the new pokèball toys that have come out resembling Pokèballs, have the proper coloring and are much cheaper.
Here are the pokèball soaps with pokemon figures inside!
The first announcement is over and done with.
The second is that I have revamped my NEW ETSY SITE!
The store USED to be under lexiafira, and if you use the old site link it will take you there.
It is now The Cranky Crafters!
I have new props, soaps and other items.
FIRST the New Pokèball Props!
First, This is a model/mock up of all the Pokèball hollow props and pokèmon soaps I make
AND will have available at the convention!
AND will have available at the convention!
The main regular pokèball prop with wind up mew as an example. For each soap, and prop there WILL be mini-pokèmon figures inside!
Here we have the Great Ball, Master Ball and Love Ball Hollow props! Each prop comes with a clip and can be opened. THEY ARE cosplay props/accessories and NOT MEANT to be thrown. For the record they are larger than the new pokèball toys that have come out resembling Pokèballs, have the proper coloring and are much cheaper.
Here are the pokèball soaps with pokemon figures inside!
Regular, Great, Premier, Cherish and Masterball Pokèmon soaps with mini-pokèmon figures inside. The Masterballs actually have 2 pokèmon inside!
EVERY SOAP I make or have ever made is made with avocado cucumber soap base. Avocado cucumber soap base is a softer base meant for people with skin allergies or hypoallergenic needs yet available for all! This makes it easier to pour, mix and make many variations with as well as shorter solidifying time! The only draw back is that it does melt some in summer temperatures.

I have added cube soaps to my repertoire now!
Blue Lavender Cube Soap. Made with a hint of blueberry and lavender with apricot scrub. Great for a summer soap to cool down with!
Sleepy Time Lavender soap! Best used as an end of the day soap as it helps ease tired muscles while help getting the body ready for blissful sleep!
Each cube contains chamomile, and an herbal sleepy time mix to soothe you to sleep!

Vanilla pomegranate with Apricot scrub mix! Another summer cool down soap with a a softer hint of vanilla and pomegranate so as not to overpower.
Eucalyptus Mint with Orange scrub cube! For the mint lovers in all of us!
I've had this one for a while, hypoallergenic cube! Straight up soap base with vitamin e and aloe and OPTIONAL scent or none at all. Custom orders for these are available. Every scent comes from an essential oil instead of made from concentrate or food based mix to prevent allergy issues.
Orange Cube with Orange Scrub, one of my fruit based cubes!
Tranquil Mist Calming Jasmine cube with lavender petals for an exotic mix cube soap!
One of my personal favorites Pink Peppermint. Another minty version with apricot scrub!
This came from the idea of "what if a pokèball were 8-bit?" Well this is what we came up with! Each one has a pokèmon inside!

My summer soap blend, Steven Universe based soap with mini soaps inside, Peach Mango Soap summer blend and Rose Quartz Soap with mini soaps inside!

And from the last convention, RUPEE SOAPS!
I still have the Dalek and Tardis Soaps
And now onto the props/accessories/extras!

And I will be selling hand sanitizer potions bottles along with Ghost Busters Positively Charged Slime to promote the upcoming movie!
There are some new surprises coming as well for props!
Here are some quick sneak peaks at some of the props. They will be $5.00 each and for ONE dollar extra you get a free mini goody bag!
Below and to the left are convention exclusive items of my summer blend. The Chill out cube with a pokemon inside, Cherry Cherish and Ultra ball pokèball soap. also with pokemon inside!
Summer blend Cherry scented rupee!
EVERY SOAP I make or have ever made is made with avocado cucumber soap base. Avocado cucumber soap base is a softer base meant for people with skin allergies or hypoallergenic needs yet available for all! This makes it easier to pour, mix and make many variations with as well as shorter solidifying time! The only draw back is that it does melt some in summer temperatures.

I have added cube soaps to my repertoire now!
Sleepy Time Lavender soap! Best used as an end of the day soap as it helps ease tired muscles while help getting the body ready for blissful sleep!
Each cube contains chamomile, and an herbal sleepy time mix to soothe you to sleep!

Vanilla pomegranate with Apricot scrub mix! Another summer cool down soap with a a softer hint of vanilla and pomegranate so as not to overpower.
Eucalyptus Mint with Orange scrub cube! For the mint lovers in all of us!
I've had this one for a while, hypoallergenic cube! Straight up soap base with vitamin e and aloe and OPTIONAL scent or none at all. Custom orders for these are available. Every scent comes from an essential oil instead of made from concentrate or food based mix to prevent allergy issues.
Orange Cube with Orange Scrub, one of my fruit based cubes!
Tranquil Mist Calming Jasmine cube with lavender petals for an exotic mix cube soap!
One of my personal favorites Pink Peppermint. Another minty version with apricot scrub!
And now for the soaps I made SPECIFICALLY for the summer blend and convention.

My summer soap blend, Steven Universe based soap with mini soaps inside, Peach Mango Soap summer blend and Rose Quartz Soap with mini soaps inside!

And from the last convention, RUPEE SOAPS!
I still have the Dalek and Tardis Soaps
And now onto the props/accessories/extras!
I will have Loot Boxes The larger spotted take out boxes above are the biggest, the loot boxes to the right are middle sized and have four versions as shown! Finally the mini-take out surprise inside boxes and mini-goody bags! EACH ONE IS FILLED to the top!
All of the larger boxes and bags can be found at my Mystery Goody Bag listing!
All of the larger boxes and bags can be found at my Mystery Goody Bag listing!

And I will be selling hand sanitizer potions bottles along with Ghost Busters Positively Charged Slime to promote the upcoming movie!
There are some new surprises coming as well for props!
Here are some quick sneak peaks at some of the props. They will be $5.00 each and for ONE dollar extra you get a free mini goody bag!
Below and to the left are convention exclusive items of my summer blend. The Chill out cube with a pokemon inside, Cherry Cherish and Ultra ball pokèball soap. also with pokemon inside!
Summer blend Cherry scented rupee!
and I will have some of my soap making scents and dyes for sale as I am not longer using them.
This is it for my showcase blog. Thank you for reading!
This is it for my showcase blog. Thank you for reading!
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