Greetings All! For the next few blog posts I have set aside posts for multiple uses of items or food items. This is so that you can either have a small surplus off an inexpensive item to use more often, OR to make use of excess items that you don't want going to waste. Now this does not mean you must go out and buy more of a certain item rather its more for educational and now you know purposes. Today's post is all about Epsom salt and its many practical uses!
( The information provided was found from these wonderful sites!
Preparedness Mama, Dear Crissy & Salt Works)
1. Get Rid Of Raccoons: if those pesky bandits are poking around in your trashcan take a few table spoons of epsom salt and spread it around the cans. It will deter them as they dislike the smell of the epsom salt. Remember to reapply after it rains!
2. Slug Deterrent: Sprinkle epsom salt where you see their trails or whey they glide and say goodbye!
3. Make Your Grass Greener: Epsom salt adds the needed magnesium and iron into your soil. Add 2 tablespoons to one gallon of water and spread on your lawn with a garden sprayer and MAKE SURE it soaks into your grass.
4. Bigger Better and MORE Produce: Studies HAVE SHOWN that epsom salt increases production/growth of peppers, tomatoes and blooms. Add 1 tablespoon per gallon of water sprayed over your plants every 1 to 2 weeks for bigger blooms.
5. Soil Prep: 1 cup per 100 feet will help create the perfect mix for the summer harvest. Use a fertilizer spreader and mix into the soil, find more information on Gardening Know How
6. Insecticide: mix epsom salt with water, add to a spray bottle and spray on plants to naturally deter insects
7. Clean Bathroom Tiles: Epsom salt will help get rid of the grungy look on your tiles. Mix it in with equal parts dish soap and dab it into the offending areas, then scrub. Epsom salt works WITH the detergent to help dissolve the grime.
8. Remove Burnt Food From Pots and Pans: Scrub the pan/pot with about 1/4 tablespoon of epsom salt and warm water, rinse and done!
9. Regenerate a Car Battery: Yes, I am skeptical at first but it seems to work! This gives your battery a little more life, IT DOES NOT FIX IT, just prolongs. Dissolve an ounce of epsom salt into warm water to make a paste and spread it over each battery cell.
10. Frost your Windows For Winter/Christmas: Mix 1/ 1/2 half cups of boiling water with 1 cup of epsom salt and 3 tablespoons of liquid dish soap (preferably blue.) Apply the mixture to your windows with a sponge. For a realistic look sweep the sponge in an arc around the corners of your windows. When the mixture dries the windows will look frosted. Clean up is fairly easy, as well a damp rag with warm water wipes it away!WARNING, DO NOT USE ON OLD WINDOWS or if you live in a house like mine where the window frame is all wood its best not to use this as the water can make the wood expand or damage the wood. But this is also myself being cautious.
11. Winter Craft Fun: Thanks to epsom salt and a Mod Podge you can make winter craft or texture themed items!
Epsom Salt Council craft Ideas
12. Face Cleanser: To clean your face at night mix a half teaspoon of epsom salt with your regular cleansing cream, massage into your skin and rinse with cold water.
13. Exfoliate Your Skin: Massage handfuls of epsom salt over your wet skin starting with your feet and working your way up towards the face. Have a bath to rinse. I would suggest starting with a shower, rinse to get wet, turn the shower off and massage the salt over you then either soak it off or rinse it off.
14. Home Made Skin Mask: Puree 1 Egg White, 1/2 teaspoon of Pantothenic acid powder (Vitamin B5 powder) 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera Gel, 1 teaspoon of Epsom Salt, 1 ripe tomato chopped, and 2 drops of thyme oil. Apply to face for 15 minutes and rinse off. This is especially good for acne problems. This is a natural solution so if you are already using medicine or other treatment for your acne don't use this.
15. MANY USES Foot Soak: This will soothe your aches, remove odors and soften the rough skin on your feet for easier care. If you are like me this helps as I often have to scrub off the rough skin with the ped-egg now and then.
Add about 1/2 a cup of epsom salt to a large pan of warm water. Soak your feet for as long as the water is warm, then rinse and dry. This also helps with toenail fungus/athletes foot.
16. Splinter Removal: This can take a moment OR a few days. I know of at least two versions so far.
Soak the area (hand or foot) in epsom salt and warm water. There is a paste version magnesium sulfate paste which is epsom salt paste that works as a poultice.
With a shallow splinter this works somewhat quickly. With a deep splinter it can take a few days.
ROUTE ONE is soaking your hand in warm water and epsom salt a few days.
ROUTE TWO is using the poultice on a bandaid changing it once a day or when it gets wet.
Epsom salt is great for drawing the toxins out so this works as well.
If its a long or deep splinter you must be patient because it WILL be drawn out. Sorry.
Info gained from This Site
This is the Magnesium Sulfate Paste
17. Remove Excess Oil From Hair: As mentioned, epsom salt is great for soaking up oil or drawing out toxins. THIS method is a bit tedious but has been known to work.
For this, add 9 tablespoons to 1/2 cup of oily hair shampoo. Apply one tablespoon of it to your hair when it is dry (for longer hair add 2-3 tablespoons as needed) then rinse with cold water. Pour lemon juice OR organic apple cider vinegar through the hair and leave for 5-10 minutes, THEN rinse.
18. Hair Volumizer: This task is also a bit tedious yet also works!
Combine equal parts of deep conditioner and epsom salt. Warm in a pan, then work the mixture through your hair and leave on for 20 minutes then rinse.
19. Soak for Sprains and Bruises: Add 2 cups of epsom salt to your warm bath water and soak. It will help ease the pain and draw out the crud. Plus epsom salt is just good to soak in. This is great for drawing out infection, and reducing swelling as well!
20. General Stress Relief: As mentioned epsom salt is great for stress and pain relief! As it soaks into your body it eases the effects of stress and pain and replenishes the magnesium levels while decreasing adrenaline and producing serotonin. You can make your own bath salts with this mix.
Mix 16 ounce all natural bath salts (epsom salt) with 15-30 drops of essential oil (especially those that induce relaxation.) You can use this now or store in a glass jar. Use 3 times a week for best results!
21. Relieve Gout Pain and Inflammation: Use 2-3 teaspoons of epsom salt to a basin of hot water. The hot water being as hot as you can stand, and soak for about 30 minutes.
22. Black Head Removal: This mixture will dislodge the blackhead for easier treatment.
Mix 1 teaspoon of epsom salt and 3 drops of Lugol's Solution Liquid Iodine in 1/2 cup of boiling water. When the mixture is cool enough to stick your finger in apply it to the head with a cotton ball. Repeat this 3 to 4 times reheating the mixture as necessary. Gently remove the blackhead then dab the area with alcohol astringent.
23. "The NEW Aloe Vera" Use this on bee stings and mosquito bites, mild sunburn and poison ivy. Soak a cotton washcloth in cold water epsom salt solution. (2 table spoons of epsom salt PER cup) and dab or hold over the affected area.
24: Eye Health: Rinse your face with a solution of epsom salt and warm water (again 2 table spoons of epsom salt PER CUP) to help heal cataracts, conjunctivitis and sties.
25. Detox/Laxative: Mix approximately 2 teaspoons of epsom salt in ONE cup of warm water until it dissolves, then drink it. DO NOT DO THIS MORE THAN ONCE A DAY and DRINK EXTRA WATER!
26. Grow Crystals: Add 1/4 cup of epsom salts to 1/2 cup of boiling water and stir until it dissolves. Pour over a sponge in a shallow dish and place in a warm sunny spot. As the water evaporates your crystals will grow just be sure to check your crystals against the original before harvesting.
For more accuracy check With this Chemistry Site
27. Detox Bath: for a bonus try this Detox Bath Recipe herbal remedy.
28. Fabric Softener Crystals: Mix 4 cups of Epsom salt and 20 drops of essential oil to make DIY fabric softener crystals. Use 1/4 cup per load and add at beginning of wash. What a clever way to use Epsom salt, and also a way to save money!
29. Cure for Common Cold: Did you know that Epsom salt baths can speed healing by detoxifying your body and increasing your white blood cell count? Try an Epsom salt bath the next time you feel those first symptoms of a cold. Try some of these for more specifics
30. As a Hand Wash: Mix Epsom salt with baby oil and keep by the sink for an effective hand wash.
Does it really work? Yes it REALLY DOES, most of these I was taught from my elders and friends some of who were in the medical field before having to retire. Some who did their own research as proof or were taught by their parents and handed it down!
Of course with most herbal remedies this comes with the adage of use common sense!
Thank you for reading and see you next post!
So let's begin!
Preparedness Mama, Dear Crissy & Salt Works)
1. Get Rid Of Raccoons: if those pesky bandits are poking around in your trashcan take a few table spoons of epsom salt and spread it around the cans. It will deter them as they dislike the smell of the epsom salt. Remember to reapply after it rains!
2. Slug Deterrent: Sprinkle epsom salt where you see their trails or whey they glide and say goodbye!
3. Make Your Grass Greener: Epsom salt adds the needed magnesium and iron into your soil. Add 2 tablespoons to one gallon of water and spread on your lawn with a garden sprayer and MAKE SURE it soaks into your grass.
4. Bigger Better and MORE Produce: Studies HAVE SHOWN that epsom salt increases production/growth of peppers, tomatoes and blooms. Add 1 tablespoon per gallon of water sprayed over your plants every 1 to 2 weeks for bigger blooms.
5. Soil Prep: 1 cup per 100 feet will help create the perfect mix for the summer harvest. Use a fertilizer spreader and mix into the soil, find more information on Gardening Know How
6. Insecticide: mix epsom salt with water, add to a spray bottle and spray on plants to naturally deter insects
7. Clean Bathroom Tiles: Epsom salt will help get rid of the grungy look on your tiles. Mix it in with equal parts dish soap and dab it into the offending areas, then scrub. Epsom salt works WITH the detergent to help dissolve the grime.
8. Remove Burnt Food From Pots and Pans: Scrub the pan/pot with about 1/4 tablespoon of epsom salt and warm water, rinse and done!
9. Regenerate a Car Battery: Yes, I am skeptical at first but it seems to work! This gives your battery a little more life, IT DOES NOT FIX IT, just prolongs. Dissolve an ounce of epsom salt into warm water to make a paste and spread it over each battery cell.
10. Frost your Windows For Winter/Christmas: Mix 1/ 1/2 half cups of boiling water with 1 cup of epsom salt and 3 tablespoons of liquid dish soap (preferably blue.) Apply the mixture to your windows with a sponge. For a realistic look sweep the sponge in an arc around the corners of your windows. When the mixture dries the windows will look frosted. Clean up is fairly easy, as well a damp rag with warm water wipes it away!WARNING, DO NOT USE ON OLD WINDOWS or if you live in a house like mine where the window frame is all wood its best not to use this as the water can make the wood expand or damage the wood. But this is also myself being cautious.
11. Winter Craft Fun: Thanks to epsom salt and a Mod Podge you can make winter craft or texture themed items!
Epsom Salt Council craft Ideas
12. Face Cleanser: To clean your face at night mix a half teaspoon of epsom salt with your regular cleansing cream, massage into your skin and rinse with cold water.
13. Exfoliate Your Skin: Massage handfuls of epsom salt over your wet skin starting with your feet and working your way up towards the face. Have a bath to rinse. I would suggest starting with a shower, rinse to get wet, turn the shower off and massage the salt over you then either soak it off or rinse it off.
14. Home Made Skin Mask: Puree 1 Egg White, 1/2 teaspoon of Pantothenic acid powder (Vitamin B5 powder) 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera Gel, 1 teaspoon of Epsom Salt, 1 ripe tomato chopped, and 2 drops of thyme oil. Apply to face for 15 minutes and rinse off. This is especially good for acne problems. This is a natural solution so if you are already using medicine or other treatment for your acne don't use this.
15. MANY USES Foot Soak: This will soothe your aches, remove odors and soften the rough skin on your feet for easier care. If you are like me this helps as I often have to scrub off the rough skin with the ped-egg now and then.
Add about 1/2 a cup of epsom salt to a large pan of warm water. Soak your feet for as long as the water is warm, then rinse and dry. This also helps with toenail fungus/athletes foot.
16. Splinter Removal: This can take a moment OR a few days. I know of at least two versions so far.
Soak the area (hand or foot) in epsom salt and warm water. There is a paste version magnesium sulfate paste which is epsom salt paste that works as a poultice.
With a shallow splinter this works somewhat quickly. With a deep splinter it can take a few days.
ROUTE ONE is soaking your hand in warm water and epsom salt a few days.
ROUTE TWO is using the poultice on a bandaid changing it once a day or when it gets wet.
Epsom salt is great for drawing the toxins out so this works as well.
If its a long or deep splinter you must be patient because it WILL be drawn out. Sorry.
Info gained from This Site
This is the Magnesium Sulfate Paste
17. Remove Excess Oil From Hair: As mentioned, epsom salt is great for soaking up oil or drawing out toxins. THIS method is a bit tedious but has been known to work.
For this, add 9 tablespoons to 1/2 cup of oily hair shampoo. Apply one tablespoon of it to your hair when it is dry (for longer hair add 2-3 tablespoons as needed) then rinse with cold water. Pour lemon juice OR organic apple cider vinegar through the hair and leave for 5-10 minutes, THEN rinse.
18. Hair Volumizer: This task is also a bit tedious yet also works!
Combine equal parts of deep conditioner and epsom salt. Warm in a pan, then work the mixture through your hair and leave on for 20 minutes then rinse.
19. Soak for Sprains and Bruises: Add 2 cups of epsom salt to your warm bath water and soak. It will help ease the pain and draw out the crud. Plus epsom salt is just good to soak in. This is great for drawing out infection, and reducing swelling as well!
20. General Stress Relief: As mentioned epsom salt is great for stress and pain relief! As it soaks into your body it eases the effects of stress and pain and replenishes the magnesium levels while decreasing adrenaline and producing serotonin. You can make your own bath salts with this mix.
Mix 16 ounce all natural bath salts (epsom salt) with 15-30 drops of essential oil (especially those that induce relaxation.) You can use this now or store in a glass jar. Use 3 times a week for best results!
If you can find one of these at your local store for bath or foot soak try it! I love the calm and sleep ones!
21. Relieve Gout Pain and Inflammation: Use 2-3 teaspoons of epsom salt to a basin of hot water. The hot water being as hot as you can stand, and soak for about 30 minutes.
22. Black Head Removal: This mixture will dislodge the blackhead for easier treatment.
Mix 1 teaspoon of epsom salt and 3 drops of Lugol's Solution Liquid Iodine in 1/2 cup of boiling water. When the mixture is cool enough to stick your finger in apply it to the head with a cotton ball. Repeat this 3 to 4 times reheating the mixture as necessary. Gently remove the blackhead then dab the area with alcohol astringent.
23. "The NEW Aloe Vera" Use this on bee stings and mosquito bites, mild sunburn and poison ivy. Soak a cotton washcloth in cold water epsom salt solution. (2 table spoons of epsom salt PER cup) and dab or hold over the affected area.
24: Eye Health: Rinse your face with a solution of epsom salt and warm water (again 2 table spoons of epsom salt PER CUP) to help heal cataracts, conjunctivitis and sties.
25. Detox/Laxative: Mix approximately 2 teaspoons of epsom salt in ONE cup of warm water until it dissolves, then drink it. DO NOT DO THIS MORE THAN ONCE A DAY and DRINK EXTRA WATER!
26. Grow Crystals: Add 1/4 cup of epsom salts to 1/2 cup of boiling water and stir until it dissolves. Pour over a sponge in a shallow dish and place in a warm sunny spot. As the water evaporates your crystals will grow just be sure to check your crystals against the original before harvesting.
For more accuracy check With this Chemistry Site
27. Detox Bath: for a bonus try this Detox Bath Recipe herbal remedy.
28. Fabric Softener Crystals: Mix 4 cups of Epsom salt and 20 drops of essential oil to make DIY fabric softener crystals. Use 1/4 cup per load and add at beginning of wash. What a clever way to use Epsom salt, and also a way to save money!
29. Cure for Common Cold: Did you know that Epsom salt baths can speed healing by detoxifying your body and increasing your white blood cell count? Try an Epsom salt bath the next time you feel those first symptoms of a cold. Try some of these for more specifics
30. As a Hand Wash: Mix Epsom salt with baby oil and keep by the sink for an effective hand wash.
Does it really work? Yes it REALLY DOES, most of these I was taught from my elders and friends some of who were in the medical field before having to retire. Some who did their own research as proof or were taught by their parents and handed it down!
Of course with most herbal remedies this comes with the adage of use common sense!
Thank you for reading and see you next post!
Lisa wanted to add this picture, hope you can see it!
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