Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sooo....I stink at updating

Such as updating this blog, my comic tumblr and my deviant art journal. BUT here it is

The contest went well, sent out the items to the winners and all have received their packages YAY!
A few liked the items enough to order more huzzah!
It's convention time during the summer, many a pony and anime and just about many conventions are going on and I need to ramp up my sales so to speak. IE going and advertizing some. So I did.

I have the new pendants in my etsy shop, and flat glass magnets as I like to call them. Its the same glass I use for my pendants but its flat instead of domed.

Cutie Mark Pendants I also have these for pokèmon, keychain pendants and flat magnets
Nuka Cola Bottle Caps  since etsy has received a notice from the owner of Bethesda for a cease and desist on fallout stuff and other games, I changed the name, and now offer Fallout Equestria through these listings for now. Otherwise head to my storenvy Storenvy link

I realize I may have shown these off before but right now
they are my most popular.

 Pokèmon and ponies are doing well right now. I also have the cutie mark crusaders badge and working on getting Discord's cutie mark. For Queen Chrysalis I have a few poses of her.
Added more MLP trading card magnets to my shop. The trading card game NOT the card game that just added canterlot nights to their packs.
I now also have some new pendants, with resin items in there. Someone suggested I do the kink symbol with the rose....I thought about it. Working on a new rose pendant first.

So that is it for now for my updates, thank you readers for your patience with my lack of updates. Going back to getting a buffer of comics and daily schedule!
Updated my youtube channel with another speed art video as well. One or two more are coming so be ready!

Thank you for reading and see you next post!

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