Hot Glue Crafting. Ooh my gosh. Where to begin...
FIRST I feel the great vast need to get this out.
MOD MOD MOD PODGE NOT MODGE MKAY? say it right please. Thank you!
FIRST I feel the great vast need to get this out.
MOD MOD MOD PODGE NOT MODGE MKAY? say it right please. Thank you!
Soooo I started the whole hot glue gun idea with the plan to purchase Mod Podge Mod Melts

(Images courtesy of google search and I WANT THE GEM MOLD! These are fairly small but great to use!
Of course I went for the research and found that high temperature hot glue sticks and mini-hot glue gun works just as well and is cheaper than buying the mod melt sticks. However it boils down to preference and Mod Melts give you the option of white (milky as they call it) or crystal color. I would chose white as it gives a base for when you paint but with hot glue you can paint a white or black or whatever color base you want before adding colors.
- DO NOT use hard case/plastic or soap resin molds. The high or low temp hot glue with either damage or become one with the mold when cooling.
- TRY AND SEEK silicone mold. IE rubber molds. YOU CAN use mod podge melts, silicone baking molds, martha stewart silicone molds for clay, and other brands. JUST MAKE SURE it is silicone or rubber based mold! And clean the mold when you are done (wipe down with a damp cloth and pick out stray glue pieces. YOU CAN wash with soap and water but thoroughly dry with a microfiber cloth or stray pieces of fabric or paper from a paper towel will get into the mold.
- IT MUST BE A HIGH TEMP/HI TEMP mini-glue gun. The tips on the mini-glue guns are smaller and easier to get into all the little crevices. The regular or large size glue guns do not work as well.
You can use a low temp glue gun but it will cool too fast and not get into all the crevices. Mod Podge makes their own glue gun for this but again its not absolutely necessary.
Anywho on to my attempt at this. I used the royal icons mold, as it had the key, laurel wreath and fleur de lis.
This was taken JUST before i put the gloss color on the key and wreath to make it pop. Also this is just the first coat of paint. The wreath on the left was colored with sharpie and bic ink markers and left to dry.
Markers can be used but keep in mind let them dry and wash your hands as they are water soluble and may require several coats (at least two) of paint.
I used acrylic paint, other types can be used BUT AVOID fabric paint! Use paint meant for plastics or canvas!
So while waiting for my molds to dry for the third round of mold making I figure, look up hot glue crafts!
Oh did I find some doozys! Of course pinterest has so many!
One woman had the idea of using hot glue with her painting. Sadly I lost the link and cannot recall what search I used to find it. Basically she would paint the canvas, draw lines with her hot glue gun or however she wanted to do it, paint it over in another color and remove the lines or spots she did and finish the portrait or painting. The spots where the glue were left a different affect and it looked really nice!
One of my favorite lists of hot glue gun crafts include this I love the crayon idea!
For color hot glue I didn't think to use crayons. However it does melt all over your glue gun and makes a hot mess, literally so have a glue gun JUST for crayons. BUT HEY if it works well, you can have hot glue colored crafts!
I love the bottle cap magnets and the crayon glue. This opened up so much for me
Now to explore the world of coloring/painting and decorating my new molds.
And for the record the lovely people at Mod Podge took the time to show you what it will look like with different styles of paint/decorative styles! Different Styles on your molds. Its a video fyi
Will try to have more pictures of my test run, Thank you for reading and see you next post!
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