So in this post I am debuting my new tumblr comic. Its still being updated with character bios and pictures but I have it going at least!
LF Character Comics
Myself and my awesome husband have both been wanting to make our own web comics for some time. I had dreams of making one for my own characters or short stories of it. He had dreams of his own series based on his life but portrayed in characters no one would recognize. So I figured come to a compromise and do both but on a site where the hosting would be semi-free to free and customizable until I could get enough revenue to move to a bigger site and go from there.
Its just starting but that is ok and we are having fun with it! It gives me a chance to practice comic drawing and get better in my skills as an artist.
In other news I also have a facebook page for LF Character Comics.
All right on to my version of did you know trivia info of Ponies! Info gained from
MLP Wikia & My Little Wiki
(QUICK FYI G# 1-4 is short for Generation and whatever number or Gen)
Hoof Hearts. Apparently when the G3 toys were created they had Hoof Hearts that were magnetic and worked with the playsets. So it was brought into the cartoon series, if you have a better answer please let me know as this was all I could find.
Twilight Sparkle:

(Twilight, Twilight Twinkle, and G4 Twilights, NOT SHOWN, Wind Whistler and Bright Eyes which she shares personality traits with.)
Twilight is an amalgamation from G1 Twilight Twinkle/Twilight Wishes and personalities from other G1 ponies. When brought to G4 Twilight Twinkle's color design was given to Twilight Sparkle's mother and the name Twilight Velvet. I love that some of the mane 6 like Twilight came from the movie that began it all, Rescue at Midnight Castle I used to watch that ALL THE TIME...until the tape was ruined from being played so much. (YES I put Alicorn Twilight because she is still Twilight to me, and doesn't seem to use her wings much which is fine. I like that for most Pegasi and Unicorns just because they have horns or wings doesn't mean they rely on them all the time...except Rainbow Dash...IE I have legs if I can walk I will but if I HAVE to fly then I will kind of thing.)
Rainbow Dash:
Rainbow Dash came from the combination of G1 Firefly and G3 Rainbow Dash, but she is NOT a fashionista. Originally she was going to have the color scheme of Firefly but that didn't pan out. Like some of the other ponies she is an amalgamation of two ponies plus personality. I kind of dislike that Rainbow Dash relies on her wings like they are legs, but its Rainbow Dash and I cannot argue with her coolness and such. Her attitude and loyalty make up for it. know, rainbows.

Rarity is another amalgamation of awesomness from G1 Glory and Sparkler and G3 Rarity....who because of her mane can be confused for Rainbow Dash. She is one of the more complex characters for personality...of which I am not going to get into.

(Posey, Sky Skimmer, G3 Fluttershy, and G4 Fluttershy)
Fluttershy was originally meant to be an earth pony and her color scheme was based off of G1 ponies Posey and G2 Sky Skimner, and G3 Fluttershy is where her name came from. However unlike the G3 version she is not about photography, but that is where the Cutiemark amalgamation came from.
Pinkie Pie:

Pinkie Pie was originally going to be a pegasus and based off the color design of the G1 pony Surprise. The G4 version would have been this color scheme with wings, but she came out as she did instead and it works.
Pinkie Pie is a wall breaker, and general cartoon rule breaker but it just works cause "that's Pinkie!"
Apple Jack:

Out of all the Mane 6 Ponies Apple Jack was the one who was brought up from Gen 1
The only part that didn't change about Applejack is her cutie mark. Her form changed in Gen3....and yes there was a baby Applejack toym but I have not found anything based on 3.5 or what have you and I am not going to look. Heh.
Apparently Spike the dragon had versions for each gen...oh dear. The first Spike, much like many of the MLP ponies came from the movie Rescue at Midnight Castle. I couldn't find a G2 version which makes me wonder if there was one or his name was changed, but G3 version was just....why WHY.
Other Ponies brought through:


Sweetie Belle

Cupcake Ponies images (these are the links to the toys)
Thanks for reading and see you next post!
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