Greetings fellow bronies, crafters and readers!
First let me explain a few things. One being why I am posting links to other recipes without my own pictures. Sadly, I do not often have the time or resources to attempt my version of the recipes however I would still like to share as some of these aren't well known and SHOULD BE.
Thirdly, I have been getting involved with my church, friends and crafting more and working on getting a better cohesive schedule for the holidays which also limits some of the time I have to prepare and post at times.
HOWEVER I would rather share information than not post at all! Now onwards to the sharing!
As everyone has their own version or take on cranberry sauce I will spare those particular versions however I did want to share a few desserts and every day things to do with cranberries or at the least for the holidays.
For starters here is Pork chops with cranberries mix. Based on the website it is the second version and fromt he pictures it looks great! This comes from All a free site for when you want to find a quick recipe or search by ingredients and find something you can throw together!
Cranberry Pork Chops Version 2

This cranberry mix seems like a good morning breakfast treat on a chilly day.
Cranberry Mango Bread
Or for a nice variation on the bread front: NUT ALLERGY WARNING!
Cranberry Pistachio Muffins

They were done in a star muffin tin so those that done in a regular muffin tin won't look like these.
And finally for a nice dessert, try these spirals!
Cranberry Orange Spirals
I do believe the sprinkles or non pareils are optional.
For the craft front I have been taking art requests on my index cards for pencil sketches until november.
I heard that my nieces were not doing well and got in touch with their mother and hoped that creating some artworks for them would help, laminated of course hehe.
So far this is how far I have gotten. Progress Pictures!
Princess Cadence was done the same way, Pencil, background then ink.
And again pencil colors later on. Taking my time with these because I want them to come out as best as possible!

Hopefully my nieces love them!
Thank you for reading and see you next post!
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